However, earnings may be more or less according to the type of salon and price structure afforded by the geographical area in which you choose to work. This career requires that you be able to work safely with chemicals and sharp instruments while keeping yourself and your customers in a sanitary environment. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVESOur purpose is to provide our students with the skills and expertise necessary to become employed as a qualified, productive cosmetologists. This objective is not fulfilled when a graduate merely passes their licensing exam. Our objective can only be fulfilled when our graduate experiences job satisfaction and professional growth.
PROGRAM APPROVALSOur Programs are Accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts & Sciences. Licensed by the NH Board of Barbering, Cosmetology , and approved U.S. Dept. of Education and the Veterans Administration. COMPREHENSIVE TRAININGOur program utilizes a library of video training tapes. We offer instruction in both practical skills and academics, such as, hair chemistry, biology, skin care and make-up, salon retailing, professional relationships and chemical reformation. Our program is different, unique and has been developed from more than a quarter century of experience. METHODSTeaching methods include; guest speakers, demonstrations, manikin practice and many workshops for each skill level. All this is followed with client bookings. Our overall approach is to use the training techniques which create interest, motivation, and total student involvement. To give superior student feedback, we use a computerized student management system. The system gives comprehensive feedback to each student regarding their individual progress, including grades, attendance, projected date of graduation, and financial records. CLIENT BOOKINGSThe student clinic at NESHD consists of literally thousands of clients built up over a quarter of a century of business. After passing each practical skills test, the student is ready for the clinical phase. The clinic is supervised by instructors who guide and assist each student to produce the best possible style for the client.
BUSINESS TRAINING, HUMAN RELATION AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENTThe objective of our business training unit is to insure that students develop a friendly and business like manner, have a good professional appearance as well as a thorough understanding of the business of operating and being employed at a commercial salon. NIGHT SCHOOL PROGRAMAll credits earned in the evening program are transferable to the day program, should you decide to transfer. By attending sixteen clock hours per week, the student will complete the 1,500 clock hours in less than 2 years. All students enrolled in the part-time program are eligible to apply for financial aid.
ELECTIVES FOR COSMETOLOGISTS AND MANICURISTSThe school offers several Elective programs. Electives are not required for graduation or licensing. Electives are useful skills that will improve the graduates knowledge and earning power. The elective programs are:
MANAGEMENT AND SELF EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Over 60 percent of manicurists/nail are salon owners of are self employed booth renters operating their own business within a hair or nail salon. A small practice of 100 clients can bring in over $24,000 in wages for the average Nail Tech. Are there one hundred people in your city, town, or shopping region who would like to have perfect nails? The average technician serves 25 clients a week. TEACHER TRAINING COURSEThe school offers a program to train cosmetology teachers. The successful completion of this course will make the graduate eligible for the state examination for licensing as a cosmetology teacher. Applicants must have a NH cosmetology license or be scheduled for the cosmetologists exam and will be responsible for obtaining a cosmetologists license before the completion of the teachers course. The calendar for teacher training runs concurrently with the cosmetology calendar except that starting dates are assigned on a case by case basis when the school is staffed to provide adequate supervision.
REFRESHER COURSEThe school also offers tailored programs for licensed cosmetologists who wish to brush up on their skills. Programs are tailored to the student's needs and are less than 150 hours of training. Contact the school director for specifications. Starting dates assigned on case by case basis. Costs include a $100.00 enrollment fee. The Tuition cost paid on an hourly basis according to the needs of the student. HOUSINGThe school does not provide housing. Housing is available to students through shared apartments and rooms. We recommend that students seeking housing begin 6 weeks before their starting date to investigate housing options. Contact the Director of Student Affairs for housing leads. Dartmouth College and Lebanon college are just a few miles from our school. Because we are in a college town, Student housing opportunities are plentiful in private homes, through out the area. COMMUTINGMany students participate in the National Ride Share program. This federal program matches commuters and riders who are going to a specific area each day. Participation is free. For more details see the director of student affairs. If you miss your ride home, Ride Share guarantees you a free ride home, even if you have to take a taxi. GRADUATION AND LICENSINGAfter satisfactory completion of the course, the student is eligible to take the state board licensing examinations. After graduation but before state examination the student (in NH) may apply for an interim or temporary permit to work while awaiting the state exam. The work permit allows the student to work as a cosmetologist. Upon passing the licensing exam the student is issued a permanently renewable license.
PLACEMENTEmployers interview students on campus often. Job demand easily outpaces the supply of graduates. There has been a shortage of cosmetologists in the region through most of the 1990's and this shortage is becoming more critical. PROFESSIONAL TOOLS AND SUPPLIESThe student kit contains the professional tools and supplies needed to learn the skills of a cosmetologist and to start your first job.